Head of a robot in a cloud tilting it's head

The Absent-Minded Android

A personal blog with deep dives into a wide variety of topics including math, technology, and politics.

Most Recent Posts

Why Elections are Failing the Cute Cats

The person with the most votes shouldn't always win. The Cute Cat Appreciation Society is learning that lesson the hard way, and we should understand why.

The Theory of Gambling with Evil Demons; Or, Why I'm Really Bad at Making Decisions

Making decisions is hard, and it doesn't get any easier when evil demons are involved. There are techniques for handling these decisions rationally, some better than others. But the real monster may be coming from inside the house.

Poisoned Wine Bottles Can Teach Us How to Save Covid Tests

Currently every person we test for Covid requires their own Covid test. What if we learned to share them instead?

Kicking Off My New Blog

Why I am starting a blog and how I made it.